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Wn325 Hattainville
Observation post for small coastal gun batterie

Wn325 site overview

What to see
Standing alone in the extensive dunes near the village of Hattainville on the west Cotentin coast you can still see a small observation post bunker on top of the dunes.
It was once the eyes of a small gun batterie made up of open/field emplacements which have long since disappeared, leaving the ‘Beobachtung’ as a lone survivor of Widerstandsnest 325.
On the winding dune path up to the observation post there is a small concrete water supply building which looks Atlantikwall in origin and age of concrete but is too overgrown and fenced off to be able to explore further.
The views from the observation bunker are stunning – on a sunny day!

Wn325 Hattainville observation post Copyright NormandyBunkers

Wn325 Hattainville observation post Copyright NormandyBunkers

Location of Wn325 Hattainville observation post.

Wn325 Hattainville observation post Copyright NormandyBunkers
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