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Wn544 Valognes
Hospital bunker in the town of Valognes

Wn544 Valognes site overview

What to see
Located inside the grounds of a school, we gained permission to access and photograph the outside of this relatively rare R638 bunker, a small ‘dressing station’ building once used as a medical facility.
Today the bunker provides a solid foundation for the school’s science block and the inside is no longer accessible, but it originally featured two entrances with six main rooms.
There was a reception area, a room for heating and ventilation, medical staff room, two wards, and a small operating theatre. In addition, there was a gas lock area and small Tobruk for observation.

R638 bunker at Wn544 Valognes. Copyright NormandyBunkers

R638 bunker at Wn544 Valognes. Copyright NormandyBunkers

Location of Wn544 Valognes.

R638 bunker at Wn544 Valognes. Copyright NormandyBunkers
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