Wn17 Hameau de Fontennay La Breche
Golf course location with lots of bunkers!

Wn17 site overview

What to see
Anyone playing the golf course at La Breche will have to contend with more than just sand bunkers around the green as this course sits on top of an extensive WW2 Widerstandsnest too.
For the non golfer you can still see lots of concrete next to the road side if you look carefully.
The largest remaining structure at Wn17 is the Vf2d group personnel shelter, a twin-room bunker with blast proof concrete roof and walls. This solid structure now sits as part of the foundations to the clubhouse at the site.
Nearby you can see the beach-facing outer wall of the 1694 Ringstand for a 5cm KwK gun.
Throughout the holes on the course there are glimpses of the rest of the site's structures including several Vf2a single-room personnel shelters, Vf8 Tobruks for machine guns, a second 1694 Ringstand, and a Bf69 mortar Tobruk, equipped for an 8cm mortar.
The site was linked with an extensive trench system and some of the depressions can still be seen on the course.