Wn137 Quineville
Command bunkers near Quineville strongpoints

Wn137 Quineville site overview

What to see
Inland of the Mont Coquerel batterie and beachfront strongpoints along the coast at Quineville you can find two R608 type HQ bunkers – although it’s incredibly difficult to spot the buildings.
Buried in heavily overgrown woodland, one bunker is destroyed while the other has been covered over by vegetation and the entrances filled to prevent access.
R608 bunkers were built to function as section, battalion, and regimental headquarters and these were used by the soldiers manning the strongpoints around the area to the west of the site.
Both featured 12 rooms for crew with an external observation Tobruk. Inside there were rooms for communications, a heater, a chart/plotting room, and accommodation for the commander and his officers, all defended by a close combat embrasure for a machine gun covering the two entrances and entry steps to the Tobruk.
Wn137 stands in private woodland and isn’t accessible without permission.