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Tre017 Le Treport
Anti-aircraft gun site on the eastern high ground

Tre017 Le Treport site overview

What to see
Located just inland of the extensive clifftop batterie at Mers-les-Bains, Tre017 was an anti-aircraft batterie which stands on high ground to the east of the large port town of Le Treport.
The site is on the edge of modern housing developments and stands on farmland so is difficult to access but you can catch glimpses of concrete buildings from the main Rue Charles de Gaulle.
The site features the remains of L410 and L409A emplacements for 3.7cm anti-aircraft guns, a L413A ammunition bunker for the two guns, two personnel shelters, and an open position for a searchlight which would have aided the targeting of the aircraft flying overhead.

L410 emplacement for a 3.7cm anti-aircraft gun at Tre017 Le Treport. Copyright NormandyBunkers

Tre017 Le Treport site overview.

L410 emplacement for a 3.7cm anti-aircraft gun at Tre017 Le Treport. Copyright NormandyBunkers
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