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Ca014 Ault

Clifftop site covering small town in the Baie de Somme estuary

Ca014 Ault site overview

What to see

Just one building remains visible at Ca014, a strongpoint located to the south of the coastal town of Ault between Le Treport and the Somme estuary.
Ca014 once featured two R612 casemates for 7.5cm assault guns which were both trained towards the beach area in front of the town from their clifftop location.
Just one of the two casemates can be seen – that on the lower part of the cliff – while only a few remains of the second construction set higher up the cliff are evident amongst the undergrowth. It appears that parts of the building and connecting trenches have suffered to cliff collapse and have fallen onto the beach below.
The remaining building is on borrowed time too as the soft chalk cliffs are eroded and it won’t be many years before it falls.


Directions to bunker sites in this area...

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