M4A1(76) HVSS Sherman
Utah Beach Landing Museum, Sainte-Marie-du-Mont

Location and info

Musee du Debarquement Utah Beach, Plage de la Madeleine, Utah Beach, 50480 Sainte-Marie-du-Mont
Located outside the Utah Beach Landing Museum. Plenty of car parking nearby.
This US Sherman stands proudly outside the Utah Beach Landing Museum near Saint Marie du Mont and is one of the most iconic (and most photographed) vehicles in Normandy.
It’s a M4A1 variant with a huge 76mm M1 gun combined with two .30 calibre machine guns.
It also features the upgraded HVSS Horizontal Volute Spring Suspension and wider tracks which allowed these vehicles to cross muddy ground easier than previous versions.
This vehicle didn’t land here on D-Day, arriving on European soil in 1945, but it doesn’t stop it from being a remarkable, must-visit icon of Normandy.
The Cannonball name it carries on the side pays tribute to an iconic tank of the same name which did land on Utah Beach on D-Day in June 1944, and images show it being stuck in a shell crater near to where the Utah Beach Museum stands today.
Over the past few years the tank has suffered from the effects of the salty air from the nearby beach but a major overhaul including sandblasting and repainting took place in the weeks before the 80th D-Day anniversary - hopefully this will protect the tank for the next few years.
Inside the museum are more remarkable vehicles including a LVT (Landing Vehicle Tracked), Higgins LCVP (Landing Craft Vehicle Personnel, DUKW amphibious truck, US truck, German Goliath vehicle, and a B26 Marauder aircraft.