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Stp220 Fort de Chavagnac

Island positions with rare listening device

Stp220 Fort de Chavagnac site overview

What to see

Located at the end of the breakwater to the west of Cherbourg port you can find the island Fort de Chavagnac, a site which the German forces used as an early warning station against air attacks on the port and city.
This kidney-shaped site featured a rare German Ringtrichterrichtungshoerer (RRH), an acoustic locater or listening device which looked like a giant set of funnels and would help pick out the sound of aircraft engines heading towards the city and help aim searchlights and guns at their targets.
Alongside the RRH were three anti-aircraft gun positions for 2cm Flak guns and an emplacement for a 150cm searchlight.
This site is still in use by the French Navy and so is not accessible to the public but can be viewed from the breakwater.


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