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Wn43 Arromanches-les-Bains

Radar station on the cliffs east of Arromanches

Wn43 site overview

What to see

The beautiful town of Arromanches is a must visit for anyone visiting Normandy - and there's loads of things to do for all WW2 buffs.
The town is the area where the Mulberry Harbour artificial port was constructed, providing landing access for millions of tonnes of material, vehicles, and men following the cpature of the town by British forces on D-Day.
The town also boast a huge landing museum - refurbished, and expanded for the 2023 tourist season - and a smaller but fascinating Liberators Museum full of original artifacts donated by veterans on one of the backstreets of the town and a militaria shop packed with incredible items.
Wn43 is located on the eastern cliffs where there's now a huge car park for visitors to enjoy a view of the town, beach, Mulberry harbour and visit the 360 degree cinema attraction. The site is also the location of a section of roadway from the harbour and the D-Day Garden - an award-winning installation honouring the British troops who landed here to begin the liberation of Europe.

In terms of bunkers then there's a lot to look at too. At the eastern end of the town you can find the R612 casemate - the only big gun position remaining at Wn43 - which faces to the west and covers the beach area. On top of this you can get up close to a Sherman tank.

The main part of Wn43 was a radar station with several positions for anti-aircraft guns and defensive ringstands for 5cm mortars and machine guns, now mostly buried under the tourist attractions with the exception of the plinths for the Seetakt naval radar and Wurzburg See Riese - a giant radar dish. There are also two open emplacements which were the locations for anchoring barrage balloons to help prevent low-level air attacks.


Directions to bunker sites in this area...

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