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Wn144 Bleuel

Hospital bunker north of Wissant

Wn144 Bleuel site overview

What to see

Almost completely buried by vegetation now, this small site featured three buildings, although two are no longer visible.
What you can still see though is the outer wall of the largest construction, believed to be a hospital bunker. It’s likely that one of the other two builds were storage bunkers, one protecting a water tank.
The entrances to the main bunker are filled in but a small gap at the top of the doorway allows you to see several rooms inside, one which is lined with the same tiles found in hospital buildings of the era.
Wn144 Bleuel stands around 400m inland from the large complexes of bunkers and buildings of Wn118 Krefeld, Wn117 Ludenscheid, Stp115 Wuppertal, and Wn116 Barmen which are all located in the high sand dune system to the north of the town of Wissant.


Directions to bunker sites in this area...

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