Stp161 Bumerang
Huge complex of shelters at tip of Cap Gris Nez

Stp161 Bumerang site overview

What to see
Located at the tip of the Cap Gris Nez, Stp161 Bumerang was the observation and range finding site for the massive Batterie Grosser Kurfurst situated a few hundred metres further inland. That batterie – just across the channel from the white cliffs of southern England - was created to fire shells at the port and town of Dover as well as other strategic sites on the Kent coast.
The site features two observation bunkers on the cliff edge, each with an amazing view across the England Channel – on a clear and sunny day obviously!
There were also 27 Wellblech and personnel shelters on the Cap here, each serving as a place that troops from the Grosser Kurfurst batterie would be located away from the main gun site. These shelters are heavily reinforced and that was much needed as the site was subjected to some of the heaviest bombing raids of the war.
Many of the larger personnel bunkers can still be walked through but be careful as there are massive craters all over the position, including some very deep one caused by 500lb bombs.
Bumerang also featured several defensive Tobruks, and a hospital, although the latter is almost buried you can still see the outline as you get near to the lighthouse.
At the northern part of this extensive site there is the remains of an old French Fort showing that this site held high military value for many years.
Parking for Cap Gris Nez is at one of the largest car parks in the area, but you need to get there early as it is used by people walking the coastal path from here to Audresselles and beyond.