Cafe Nicole
Original German paintings on the wall of Wissant restaurant

Cafe Nicole location

What to see
We’ve seen a lot of German artworks inside WW2 bunkers and buildings over the years, but not of this standard.
Located on Rue Gambetta in Wissant, Café Nicole is a friendly bar and restaurant with a not so hidden past which you can see on the back wall of the dining area. Here you can get up close to two impressive paintings created by German personnel stationed nearby.
Locals believe they were painted by Luftwaffe personnel stationed at local airfields, and the Café was requisitioned as their social club.
Both paintings – painted directly on to the walls - depict scenes from their homeland.
One is a scene of the River Rhine with the Hotel Adler, St Johannes church, Evangelist church, and Burg Katz fortress in the town of Sankt Goarshausen, between Frankfurt and Bonn. All the landmarks still stand in the location today.
The other painting depicts the Rhine and the massive, Gothic cathedral at Cologne. It’s the Cologne painting which has a hidden gem too, the signatures of both of the artists - F Kollig and T Drack – which is rare to see on ‘bunker’ art.