Wn66 Nora
Three large bunkers hidden in housing in central Calais

Wn66 Nora site overview

What to see
The three remaining buildings at Wn66 Nora are tricky to spot as they are well spread from each other and have been swallowed by housing.
Located on the Rue de Toul you can find a rare Vf5b type anti-tank gun garage with half of the building covered by the embankment supporting the raised road and bridge across the railway lines.
Over 430m to the north, as the crow flies, and across the railway lines is special construction bunker hidden between houses on Rue Frederic Sauvage. This 13m long building – a mix of concrete and brick - features an unusual Kriegsmarine style rounded edge door with the upper and lower sections also featuring opening hatches.
A second special construction bunker stands in the school playground on Rue du Bresil on the opposite side of the A16 main road. Access to the bunker isn’t possible due to its location and it’s difficult to determine its usage but you can see from the road that it has suffered from a couple of direct hits to the outer edge of the concrete roof.