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Wn Rosalinde

Communication cables bunker near Calais port

Wn Rosalinde site overview

What to see

There are a lot of bunker sites along the coast to the east of Calais port and inside the town, including the large batteries of Oldenburg and Waldam and the main HQ for the area near to the town hall.
Communication between the sites was crucial and hundreds of miles of telephone cables were laid in the area. And this small building behind the Oldenburg batterie is evidence of that connected network.
Known as a Kabel Schalt Stelle (KSS) this was a telephone connection building where the lines from field positions and bunkers were linked to switchboards.
It’s a building which has stood the test of time so far, although an upgrade to the road system in the area during autumn and winter 2024 has now surrounded it with road building vehicles and materials.
Given the sheer thickness of the walls though, it would be a tough nut to crack if they plan to remove the bunker which also still has its original door in place.


Directions to bunker sites in this area...

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