Wn Darmstadt
Small resistance nest made popular by mirror artwork

Wn Darmstadt site overview

What to see
This Widerstandsnest stands next to the huge Marine Kusten Batterie Malo Terminus on the beach front at Leffrinckoucke and despite being small it was once one of the most visited sites on the coast.
In terms of concrete constructions just two remain visible now, a R219 double-embrasure casemate for an anti-tank gun and a Wellblech personnel shelter.
Its popularity came from the amazing artwork which once adorned the casemate, thousands of tiny mirrors were attached to the outside of the building for many years, being removed for safety reasons in 2022. Sadly, the sticky residue used to attach them has left its mark on the concrete.
R219 casemates offered the ability for the gun to be swivelled inside and fire along the beach in both directions, protected by a thick concrete wall on the seaward side and two flanking walls to hide the flash from the gun being fired to anyone approaching from the sea.
The Wellblech is almost completely buried and is no longer accessible.