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Stp T24

HQ site inland of defensive beach positions

Stp T24 site overview

What to see

Situated between the extensive beachfront defensive bunker sites and the personnel buildings in the town of Oye Plage, Stp T24 was used as a command centre for the area.
At the heart of the site is a R502 double group shelter which was used as a HQ bunker and stands next to a small Vf2a personnel shelter.
Stp T24 wasn’t without its defences though, with an open emplacement for a field gun near to the HQ building and two machine gun Tobruks to the east of the main area.
Access to the R502 is with permission only as it stands on private land and is still in use by the owners for storage.
The Tobruks are almost completely covered by vegetation and stand near derelict farm buildings on land used for bird shooting so are best avoided.


Directions to bunker sites in this area...

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