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Stp Rheinsalm

Rare anti-aircraft gun casemates near Offekerque

Stp Rheinsalm site overview

What to see

Only two R692 type casemates were ever built on the Atlantikwall, and both can be found at this small site to the east of Offekerque, a small village 6km inland of the beaches between Calais and Dunkirk.
They were built to house two 8.8cm anti-aircraft guns but rather than the famous German ‘eight-eights’ the two guns here were captured Russian weapons.
The two casemates feature a rear entrance and short corridor to the main gun room with two ammunition niches to the left and right near the entrance. The two guns would have been mounted on plinths and despite the casemates facing to the north, they would have had 120 degrees of fire upon Allied aircraft attacking both major port areas.


Directions to bunker sites in this area...

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