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Stp Max

Extensive anti-tank wall and R612 casemate at Oye Plage site

Stp Max site overview

What to see

One of the longest remaining sections of anti-tank wall in northern France can be found at Stp Max and its neighbouring bunker site at Oye Plage between Calais and Dunkirk.
The wall here stretches for over 900 metres and is only broken up in one small section by a beach exit and also features several machine gun pillboxes and a gun casemate.
Stp Max’s buildings also included a double Vf2a personnel shelter with anti-aircraft guin position, a standard Vf2a, and an observation post but these are largely buried under dune scrub vegetation.
The exceptions are the R612 casemate for a 75mm field gun which faced west across the marsh and beach area and the observation post which can be found near the end of the path to the beach.
A raised walkway gives you access all along the site, running alongside the wall and from the west this takes you to a viewing platform on top of the R612 where you can get a magnificent view along the coast.


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