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Stp ArtGr Dunkirchen
Special construction observation bunker on beach front

Stp ArtGr Dunkirchen site overview

What to see
Nestled between beachfront cafes and housing along the promenade at Malo-les-Bains in Dunkirk you can see the corner of what was once a massive WW2 German concrete bunker.
Partially covered by new constructions, this is where a special construction Leitstand stood – a multi-room, multi-level building created to provide observation and range finding for the many big gun batteries which surrounded the famous port town.
From this spot you can see directly out to sea into the English Channel.
With café tables, seating, and a popular sandy beach in front, today the dark concrete bunker is somewhat incongruous to its new surroundings. The building is not accessible.

Leitstand at Stp ArtGr Dunkirchen. Copyright NormandyBunkers

Leitstand at Stp ArtGr Dunkirchen. Copyright NormandyBunkers

Leitstand location at Stp ArtGr Dunkirchen.

Leitstand at Stp ArtGr Dunkirchen. Copyright NormandyBunkers
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