Stp229 Stechpalme
Special construction bunker at the end of Boulogne's breakwater

Stp229 Stechpalme site overview

What to see
At the end of the 1.7km long breakwater protecting the entrance to the port of Boulogne-sur-Mer you can find a unique German defensive structure at a site known as Stp229 Stechpalme.
This special construction is a multi-storey building with large, garage-like storage rooms, personnel rooms, and access down to the water where there’s a small jetty for boats.
On the top of the massive building is a casemate for a 7.5cm gun facing out to the west while an anti-aircraft gun – believed to be one of the infamous 88mm Flak cannons - was located as an early line of defence for the port area behind.
The site is open to the public but it’s advisable to only visit on good weather days and don’t stray too close to the edges in windy conditions as there aren’t any barriers along the length to prevent a long drop off the side.
The breakwater is a regular location for sea anglers, and you’ll need to be careful when walking behind them. Park near the wind turbines at the base of the breakwater but be aware a lot of construction traffic uses this area too.