Stp262 Nessel
Site of Mammut radar system and Luftwaffe anti-aircraft positions

Stp262 Nessel site overview

What to see
From our gallery of images you can get a bird’s eye view of the 'ring of fire' heavy anti-aircraft position on top of the cliffs at Équihen, to the south of Boulogne-sur-Mer.
Known as Stp262 Nessel, this site features six L401a gun positions with an L404 command centre and fire control post in the middle.
It was built to house six of the infamous 88mm Flak cannons in a heavy batterie, but the famous guns were never installed into the open style emplacements here for some reason. The site did feature four of the much smaller 2cm AA guns though. This part of the site is on private land an isn't accessible without permission.
Behind the AA site you can find a huge V143 type bunker for a long-range Mammut Gustav naval radar detection system along with two R622 personnel bunkers, mortar positions, and machine gun emplacements.
On top of the three concrete plinths of the V143 you can see where the fixtures were for the scaffolding like array - known by the Allies as ‘hording’ - and ducts where the cables would connect to the communications rooms below.