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Stp Hardelot
Bunker site being covered by holiday home construction

Stp Hardelot site overview

What to see
As with many of the WW2 bunker sites along this west coast of the Pas de Calais region, Stp Hardelot is slowly disappearing underneath modern construction, in this case holiday homes and high rise buildings.
The sites most impressive bunker - the R636a Command bunker - is the latest to suffer as new builds take over the prime land near to the beach. These builds have already accounted for most of the former defensive strongpoint but there are two exceptions - both personnel shelters near to the promenade.

Personnel shelter on the promenade at Stp Hardelot. Copyright NormandyBunkers

Personnel shelter on the promenade at Stp Hardelot. Copyright NormandyBunkers

Stp Hardelot site overview.

Personnel shelter on the promenade at Stp Hardelot. Copyright NormandyBunkers
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