Stp Dorsch
Dunkirk batterie with four open emplacements
Stp Dorsch site overview
What to see
The difference in use of this site from when German forces occupied it in 1940 and what can be enjoyed today couldn’t be further away from each other.
Once a large batterie site featuring huge 15.5cm guns in open emplacements, now it’s the location of Ferme Vernaelde, a public park with Farmer’s Market, petting zoo for children, and equestrian centre.
The remains of all four gun positions can still be seen and one has the original gun barrel of the French cannon and its plinth still in place. There are also several blockhouses and the gatehouse of the Coudekerque-Branche detention camp which can be found.
The bunkers supporting the cannons include two R134 ammunition storage bunkers, a R134K kitchen building, and two R622 double group personnel shelters.
The concrete structures all now form part of the liberation and education circuit which school parties can enjoy alongside the animals.